Saying you’re a single parent when you are not is like saying you’re handicapped when you have merely a sprained ankle;
Your temporary inconvenience does not equal my everyday struggle.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear God, thanks for this beautiful life, and forgive me if I don't love it enough.

K is hardcore walking and talking. Where did time go?
She can say the following words: mommy, puppy, pretty, jew (for juice, haha), hi, bye, bottle, and ni-ni (for night).

My daughter never ceases to amaze me with the things she learns on a daily basis. I always forget that she has so much more to learn about life, and I can only hope she lets me hold her hand through everything. Or almost everything. I know I can't hold her hand forever.. and I know that  won't be for quite a while, but I'm scared about her growing up.
I've already started thinking about transitioning her into Pull-Ups and working on potty training! Yikes! 
Then she'll be in school, and you know the rest of the story.

I love my baby girl. Every day brings a new adventure with her, and I'm prepared for whatever comes next!

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