Saying you’re a single parent when you are not is like saying you’re handicapped when you have merely a sprained ankle;
Your temporary inconvenience does not equal my everyday struggle.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Hour

The past few weeks have been nothing but annoying. Irritating really. And I’m just sick and tired of it all.
There are quite a few things that have been bothering me. And I have decided to share with all of you my frustrations. It's mostly a venting type thing, because I don't want to unload all this on one of my friends, because they will probably get overwhelmed.

Here are a few things that I hate.

1. People expecting me to go out of my way for them, but won’t do anything in return for me. It’s a two-way street. Treat others the way you want to be treated. 

2. Working at my mother’s store for practically nothing. I work Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Mon/Tues usually from 9 or 10 until 5. Thursday from 12-5. Why should I waste my time, sitting in here, day after day, when I could be working elsewhere and actually bringing home a pay check? Because it’s the nice daughter thing to do?
It’s nice that I can be in here with K, but that’s about it.

3. I’m not done remodeling my house. It’s been over a year since I started. I’m close, but not close enough that I can live there. Basically because my mother doesn’t have me as a priority on her list. She would rather fix up the P.O.S. trailer at Grandma’s farm for someone else, than help her own daughter. 
And she doesn’t want me working on the house by myself. Well, that’s cool. Glad I’m 22 and you can’t even trust me to paint or work on something by myself. Maybe you should hold my hand when I cross the street too.

4. People that have borrowed money from me, and have yet to pay me back..months later.

5. Feeling inadequate.

6. Being judged for spending money on myself.

7. Starting my 5th year of college, when all I want to do is be done now. This will be my final year, and I’m still not sure what I want to do with my life. That’s always cool, huh?

8. People that complain all the time. I’m sure your life isn’t as terrible as you make it seem.

9. People, friends especially, that have changed so much that you barely even recognize them anymore. I’m not talking about looks. Just personality.  It’s I even know you?

10. Last, but not least, PEOPLE THAT IGNORE ME. If you don’t want to talk to me, then just say so. Say something like, “Sorry, I really don’t want to talk.” SIMPLE AS THAT.

I don’t care if this offends anyone, really. Because if it offends you, you’re probably one of the people that I’m bitching about. Sorry I'm not sorry. BUCK UP.

It's Thursday. I'm thirsty. If you want to join me, BYOB.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Keep on Dreaming..Even if it Breaks Your Heart

It's been quite a while since I've posted.. and a lot has gone on since then. If you're one of my closer friends, you'll know all the things that I'm referring to. If we aren't that close, then that's the reason you don't know.

Lately, I've been in a huge slump. I'm tired and exhausted all the time, no matter how much or how little I sleep. Nothing really interests me. I don't get "excited" over things that I used to. It sucks. It really does.

I'm burnt out on school. I have a little over a year left, until I'm finished with my BA degree in public administration, but there have been so many times I really just want to throw in the towel and call it quits. I have quite a few friends that keep pushing me to finish, because it's "only" a year. But that's an eternity away. I don't have the ambition anymore. I'd love to take a term off and focus on other things, but I know if I do that, I'll never go back.

Also I'm just sick of people. Not "people" in general, but there are plenty of people that get under my skin lately. Instead of naming names and getting into those specifics, I'll just tell you what kind of people bug the hell out of me..
1. People that tell me they're going to do something, but never do. (I.e. "hey, I'll call you later," but they never call.)
2. People that complain all the time. I really don't care about the b.s. that goes on in your life, you don't have to bitch about it daily on Facebook.
3. People that expect me to go out of my way for them, when I know they wouldn't do the same for me. I'm tired of bending over backwards for you, so don't expect me to continue to be that one person you can rely on..because I'm done.
4. People that expect me to put them before my daughter. NO ONE comes before my daughter, no matter the circumstances.
5. People that think poorly of me because my daughter's father is not in her life. You don't know me, so you have no room to judge me.
6. People that tell me to go after J for child support. Like I said above.. you don't know me, so don't judge me. I have my reasons for doing the things I do.
7. People that aren't forward with me or that have to sugar coat things. Just be straight up with me, I appreciate honesty more than a well-rehearsed lie. Do not underestimate my ability to find out the truth.
8. People that call/text me in the middle of the night when they're drunk. I don't need to get into any specifics with that, do I?

With that off my chest, I feel better. If you're any of the above people or think you might have done one of the above things, there's a good chance I really just don't like you. Get over it.

Have a great day. :)